Join us on Thursday, December 15 at 3 PM for a webinar titled, Don't Leave Your Power on the Table: Understanding Data Gaps and Barriers in Voting. Sponsored by the Women's Pipeline for Change, an initiative of MassVOTE, the webinar discusses who votes and why they vote. The webinar will ultimately dig into how women of color and people of color vote, what voter turnout gaps exist, and how we may close those turnout gaps.
Beth Huang, the Executive Director at the Massachusetts Voter Table, will facilitate the webinar. At the Voter Table, Beth (she/her) works with 45 community organizations to increase voter turnout and civic leadership in communities of color and working-class people in Massachusetts. Prior to joining MVT as the Field Coordinator in 2016, Beth worked at Jobs With Justice as the National Coordinator of the Student Labor Action Project and organized emergency services workers in California with AFSCME International. Beth is a senior trainer with the Midwest Academy. She is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
We hope you will be able to join us at this incredible event. Click here to register now!